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The Euskadi Higher Council of Cooperatives (CSCE-EKGK) through various informative videos gives a voice to institutional representatives, universities and cooperative organizations.

The objective of these videos is to analyze how Basque cooperatives have lived through this coronavirus crisis and the “new normality”, and to visualize and underline the great importance of cooperative values in a world as changing and unpredictable as this one.

During the first video, representatives of the CSCE-EKGK from the academic world participate:

  • Marta Enciso (Universidad de Deusto) believes that this crisis has served for society to talk about common values and interests, and believes that Cooperativism will be strengthened.


  • Ainara Udaondo (Mondragón University) affirms that the protocols and self-adjustments of the Cooperatives have been implemented very quickly, creating new lines of business and new opportunities for diversification.

  • Aitor Bengoetxea (UPV-EHU) thinks that, despite the fact that the crisis has hit all companies in the same way, the difference is that in a conventional company, people look out for their own interests. A Cooperative tries to reconcile the joint interests of the company and the workers, with or without a crisis.