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As part of the UIK Summer Courses, Kooperatiben Kontseilua organised the course ‘The Cooperative Company’, which took place on 14 July at the Miramar Palace in Donostia-San Sebastian.

The course was attended by around thirty people who were very interested in a business model that is deeply rooted in the Basque Country and is a benchmark at international level. The course participants learned about the history and principles of cooperativism, the challenges facing cooperative today and examples of emerging cooperative models from a large number of experts. The course was very participative and had numerous questions and interventions from the audience.

The speakers were Igor Ortega Sunsundegui (Mondragon Unibertsitatea), Marta Enciso Santolcides (Deustuko Unibertsitatea), Aitziber Etxezarreta Etxarri (UPV/EHUGezki), Patxi Olabarerria Furundarena (Kooperatiben Kontseilua), Rosa Lavín (Konfekoop), Ainara Udaondo Alberdi (Lanki – Mondragon Unibertsitatea), Belén Balerdi Ozaeta (Kooperatiben Kontseilua), Juan Latorre (Eraman Koperatiba) and Gotzon Gondra Elgezabal (Bizikoop).

Photo album: the cooperative company.