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The Euskadi Higher Council of Cooperatives presents a perception study on the occasion of the International Day of Cooperatives, which is celebrated under the motto “Rebuild better together”. Cooperativism is claimed as a model to achieve a fair recovery.

Bilbao, July 2, 2021. The values of the cooperative company have been reinforced after this year of pandemic. “Today more than ever, an economic model that has people as its protagonist and is oriented towards the common good is necessary. If we want to get out of this crisis better, we must cooperate.” This is the message that the Basque Cooperative Movement and the Department of Labor of the Basque Government have launched on the occasion of the International Day of Cooperatives, which is celebrated tomorrow, July 3. The motto chosen, “Build back better together”.

The celebration has served to present the perception study of the Higher Council of Cooperatives of Euskadi (CSCE-EKGK) . In which it is highlighted that for Basque citizens, cooperatives are the best recognized type of business society at a social level. The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security of the Basque Government, Elena Pérez Barredo, together with the president of the Superior Council of Cooperatives of Euskadi, Patxi Olabarria, and the president of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Euskadi -KONFEKOOP-, Rosa Lavín, have today highlighted, in Bilbao, the role of cooperatives in economic and social reconstruction.

“We come from a very tough year, and we are still in moments of doubt. There is still a lot of work ahead. But there is something that we have seen: that cooperatives have been more resilient than other types of companies. They have known how to resist and are better prepared to leave”, stated the Deputy Minister of Labor. Pérez Barredo also wanted to highlight that “it is at times like this when the forums for consultation in which the institutions and social agents join forces are more important.” For his part, the president of the CSCE-EKGK, Patxi Olabarria, stated that “the Basque Country continues to be a benchmark in the cooperative model in the international arena, demonstrating that despite the difficulties it is possible to continue growing”.

For his part, the president of the CSCE-EKGK, Patxi Olabarria, stated that “the Basque Country continues to be a benchmark in the cooperative model in the international arena, demonstrating that despite the difficulties it is possible to continue growing”. Olabarria has presented the results of the perception study carried out through 650 surveys on cooperativism and cooperatives. The study addresses aspects such as the degree of knowledge about cooperatives, the image of cooperative societies and which are the most recognized. “The main conclusion is that cooperative societies are the best recognized type of business society at a social level, which makes us feel very satisfied and satisfied”, he stressed.

This good image of cooperativism is endorsed by its feeling of proximity, since 66% of the people surveyed have relatives or friends who work in a cooperative. In addition, concepts and values such as shared wealth (79.7%), people’s participation (78.5%) and commitment of workers (60.2%) are attributed exclusively to cooperative societies.

Solidarity, transparency, and placing the person at the center are the characteristics that are more associated with cooperatives than with other companies. This makes cooperatives achieve a better recommendation rate as a place to work, linked to quality employment.


The most recognizable cooperatives are the agricultural and housing ones, however, when it comes to mentioning specific examples, the majority are of associated work –industrial, construction and services–. According to the study, the most recognized are Grupo Mondragón, Eroski, Fagor, Irizar, Laboral Kutxa, Ulma, Orona, LagunAro, Maier and Danobat.

The CSCE-EKGK has expressed its satisfaction with the good image that Basque cooperatives enjoy and has highlighted as challenges “the recognition of cooperativism in all its diversity and increasing knowledge of cooperativism among youth”, in addition to strengthening the attributes of quality, sustainability and equal opportunities. International Day of Cooperatives,

Likewise, he wanted to congratulate all the people who are part of the cooperatives and who contribute “to a better future”. The #CoopsDay has served to put the accent, now that green shoots are beginning to be seen, in the way of achieving a fair recovery and reference has been made to the participatory, democratic, responsible, pragmatic and supportive response of the cooperatives. “It is these values that make us resilient and what has allowed cooperative companies in the Basque Country to resist in better conditions, becoming a real way out and demonstrating their countercyclical characteristics”, explained the president of KONFEKOOP, Rosa Lavín.

Lavín has highlighted that KONFEKOOP will continue to promote, support and promote cooperatives and has made reference to the challenges of the future -technological, social, care and energy-climatic- “with the conviction that our values will contribute to the reconstruction of a more advanced, committed and supportive Euskadi”.

The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) began to celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives in 1923, although it was in 1995 when the United Nations proclaimed the celebration of this day on the first Saturday of July. The ICA is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world, with 3 million cooperatives and more than 1 billion cooperative members. The ACI brings together 12% of the world population and 10% of the employed population.