- Law 11/2019, of December 20, on Cooperatives in the Basque Country
- Law 27/1999, of July 16, on Cooperatives (only affects matters not transferred to the Basque Autonomous Community, as is referred to in Social Security)
- DECREE 59/2005, of March 29, which approves the Regulations for the Organization and Operation of the Registry of Cooperatives of Euskadi
- Decree 61/2000, of April 4, which regulates Social Initiative Cooperatives
- Decree 64/1999, of February 2, which approves the Regulation on procedures and requirements relating to public utility cooperative societies. (BOPV of 02/17/1999)
- Regulation on Conflict Resolution Procedures in Basque Cooperatives
Unemployment benefit
- Royal Decree 1044/1985 of June 19, which regulates the payment of the unemployment benefit in its single payment modality for the current value of its amount, as a measure to promote employment.
- Royal Decree 1300/2009 of July 31, on urgent employment measures for self-employed workers and Cooperatives and Labor Societies
- Royal Decree 1043/1985 of June 19, which extends unemployment protection to worker members of Associated Work Cooperatives.
- Royal Decree 42/1996 of January 19, which extends unemployment protection to worker members of associated work cooperatives in a situation of temporary cessation or temporary reduction in working hours. Royal Decree 42/1996
- Law 32/2010 of August 5, which establishes a specific protection system due to the cessation of activity of self-employed workers
- Royal Decree 1541/2011 of October 31, which develops Law 32/2010, of August 5, which establishes a specific protection system for cessation of activity of self-employed workers.
Social Security
- Law 27/2011, of August 1, on updating, adaptation and modernization of the Social Security system
- Royal Decree 225/1989, of March 3, on conditions of incorporation into the Social Security system of working members of associated work cooperatives.
- Royal Decree 1278/2000, of June 30, by which certain Social Security provisions are adapted for their application to cooperative societies
Occupational Health & Safety
- Law 28/2005, of December 26, on sanitary measures against smoking and regulating the sale, supply, consumption and advertising of tobacco products.
- Law 31/1995, of November 8, on Occupational Risk Prevention
- Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, on Prevention Services
- Decree 18/2008, of January 29, which approves the Regulation of the procedure for the imposition of sanctions for infractions in the matter of prevention of occupational risks in the field of cooperatives of the Community
- DECREE 225/2012, of October 23, of the Register of Delegates of Occupational Risk Prevention of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country